35 images Created 20 Sep 2022
Greenpeace build boulder barrier to protect the oceans.
Sept. 1st 2022 Greenpeace UK dropped 18 boulders in the South West Deeps marine protected area creating a barrier for bottom trawling 200km off the Cornish coast. The boulder barrier means that bottom trawlers can’t fish dragging their nets across the sea floor like bulldozers in this part of the ocean. The limestone boulders, ranging from 600kg – 1 ½ ton were dropped from the ship Arctic Sunrise as part of Greenpeace’s ongoing global campaign to save the oceans from destructive fishing. The operation lasted a day with the Marine Management Organisation watching. The marine protected areas around Britain are sensitive ecosystems but fishing on an industrial scale is still ongoing and the boulder barrier is a way to stop trawlers killing the sea bed. Some of the stones carried names of supporters stencilled onto the boulders.